Community Guidelines

  1. Synchrocade strives to be a community inclusive to players regardless of race, gender, sexuality, nationality, creed, or any other element of identity. Our goal is to achieve this not through a comprehensive list of wrongs to avoid, but instead through a single directive. Treat people on our services well. Understand that our community is one of the most important aspects of our product, and we will do what we need to in order to foster that community including removal of those whom we observe not meeting our expectations.
  2. Beyond those rules which can be inferred by good treatment of others on our server, we also request you do the following:
    1. Only communicate in English in public channels or with those you don't know. This is only to aid in moderation as English is the only language we know. We hope to add support for other languages in the future.
  3. If you have any questions or feel there is an issue we need to address, please send us an email at
  4. Also note that the community guidelines may change at any time without notice.